Dc lab manuals
AC/DC Motors and Generators Student Manual Order no.: Revision level: 12/ Direct current Alternating current LVSIM®-EMS recreates a three-dimensional classroom laboratory on a computer ® ® AC/DC Motors and Generators. AC/DC Motors and Generators. · Office Hours Monday to Friday, 9 am to pm, except District holidays Connect With Us E Street, SW, Washington, DC Phone: () CONTROL SYSTEM LAB (EE) B.E. III/IV, EEE EIE 3 MUFFAKHAM JAH COLLEGE OF ENGGTECH, ROAD NO3, BANJARAHILLS, HYD LIST OF EXPERIMENTS CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB(EE) 1. Characteristics of DC Servomotor. 2. AC Position control system. 3. DC Position control system. 4. ON/OFF Temperature Control system. 5.
transfer function of the DC motor ω(s)/E a(s). You should use Figure 1, the equations provided in the lab, and the example reference in Section of the lab manual as a guide. 5. Using the equations you derived in question 4, describe how you would measure: a. Viscous friction b. Rotor moment of inertia c. Armature resistance 6. ECPC: ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB www.doorway.ru II Year II Sem. L T P C 0 0 3 Note: Minimum 12 experiments should be conducted: All these experiments are to be simulated first either using MATLAB, COMSIM or any other simulation package and then to be realized in hardware List of Experiments: 1. DC MACHINES LABORATORY LAB MANUAL Academic Year: - Course Code: AEE Regulations: IARE-R16 Class: III Semester (EEE) Upon the completion of DC Machines laboratory course, the student will be able to attain 1. Familiarity with the types of DC machines and their basic characteristics.
DC generator. Operation and characteristics of self-excited DC generators. Comparing the voltage-current characteristics of the separately-excited, shunt, cumulative-compound, and differential-compound dc generators. Unit 3 Special Characteristics of DC Motors .. The behaviour of dc machines when the armature and field. Module 2 - Basic DC Theory This module describes the basic concepts of direct current (DC) electrical circuits and discusses the associated terminology. Volume 2 of 4 Module 3 - DC Circuits This module introduces the rules associated with the reactive components of inductance and capacitance and how they affect DC circuits. Module 4 - Batteries. LAB MANUAL Year: WEEK-6 Speed control DC Motor using BJT-H bridge simulation using MATLAB PO1, PO9 PSO2, PSO3 PRE LAB VIVA QUESTIONS: 1. List.